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Real-time Event Streaming for Customer Data

About Rudderstack

Real-time event streaming for customer data

Quickly deploy flexible, powerful customer data pipelines, then send the data to your entire stack—without the engineering headache. Our 180+ integrations, along with custom webhook sources and destinations, save data teams hundred of hours.

RudderStack’s full platform enables you to collect every customer data point from your stack, then combine it for full visibility—all on your own data store. With our Reverse-ETL capabilities, customers can activate that data from their dats store to over 180+ supported destinations.

“Adding a new dimension in our email platform used to take two to three weeks. With RudderStack and Iterable, we have shortened that to an hour.”
Brett Trani, Director of Analytics at Joybird at Joybird

Rudderstack and Iterable

RudderStack’s Event Stream handles the customer data collection in real-time and routes data to Iterable, where marketing can leverage it to execute engagement campaigns across every channel and every device. Best of all, with RudderStack, Iterable isn’t just a destination, it’s a data source too. 

RudderStack’s robust Iterable destination integration enables engineering teams to quickly set up Event Stream pipelines to deliver customer behavioral data to Iterable in real-time. It only takes a few steps:

  1. Create an account
  2. Instrument websites and apps with a RudderStack SDK
  3. Set up Iterable as a destination
  4. Watch the data flow

With RudderStack delivering behavioral data to Iterable in real-time, neither engineering nor marketing need to worry about reliably delivering data to the platform. Engineering can focus on more valuable tasks and marketing can focus on leveraging the data to cultivate strong relationships. Iterable’s powerful, easy-to-use platform enables marketing teams to build and execute individualized customer engagement at scale like never before.