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Live Walkthrough: How to Build the Perfect Personalized Customer Journey

Ellen Rockdale  • Senior Marketing Operations Manager, CRM & Lifecycle at

Michael Rao  • Principal Solutions Consultant at Iterable

With so many ways to personalize your marketing, it can be daunting to figure out what makes the most sense for each user. In this session, Ellen Rockdale, Senior Manager of CRM and Lifecycle Marketing at, and Michael Rao, Principal Solutions Consultant at Iterable, will give you a live walkthrough on how to build a customer journey worth remembering, how to personalize the experience, and what it means to activate your data through customer experiences.

Iterable is an AI-powered cross-channel customer communication platform that enables you to:
  • Launch cross-channel campaigns end-to-end. No coding skills required.
  • Personalize communication across channels with data from any source
  • Save time and boost conversions with AI-assisted tools