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Peeling the Onboarding Onion

Layla Liang  • Senior Product Manager, Payment Platform at Square

Hooray, a new customer is knocking at your door! Time to sit back and relax, right? Eh, not so much. Attracting a new customer can feel like the finish line for some teams in an organization, but what comes next? Now the customer is face-to-face with your product and the first step they encounter is onboarding—getting familiar with your product and getting their account set up. Join Layla Liang, Senior Product Manager at Square, to learn more about how to prioritize as a Product Manager, winning more verified customers, the metrics to consider, the balance between growth and risk, and more. Onboarding is like an onion: there are a lot of layers to understand. So, if this topic is a-peelin’ to you, don’t miss this session.