The 2021 Outlook: 5 Data-Driven Marketing Predictions
The 2021 Outlook: 5 Data-Driven Marketing Predictions
  • On-demand
  • 30 Minutes
The Iterable team is kicking off the new year to provide marketers with a glimpse into the future, based on our latest survey research. Alyssa and Wayne will debut our top findings and reveal our hottest marketing predictions.
If you want to drive your 2021 strategy with real data and not just crystal-ball commentary, watch this can’t-miss webinar.
The panelists explore:
  • Top business concerns for marketers and how the ongoing pandemic has affected them
  • The real deal behind artificial intelligence
  • Real-life examples of email, mobile, and cross-channel campaigns that we love



Alyssa Jarrett


Wayne Coburn

Director of Product, Analytics & AI
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