Email And Cross-Channel Testing: You’re Doin’ It Wrong
Email And Cross-Channel Testing: You’re Doin’ It Wrong
  • On-demand
  • 58 Minutes

Test, test, test – it’s a best practice, right?! But are you just going through the motions of testing for the sake of testing? Or are your A/B and multivariate strategies truly moving the needle?

In this webinar, Jen Capstraw is joined by special guests Karen Talavera and Victoria Peppiatt for a lively discussion on testing – from common fails to foolproof strategies to the future of optimization.

Key Takeaways:

  • An understanding of testing mistakes you’re probably making
  • Clear steps for developing and executing meaningful tests
  • Insights on how artificial intelligence and machine learning are shaping optimization opportunities today and beyond



Jen Capstraw

Director of Strategic Insights and Evangelism

Victoria Peppiatt

Co-Founder and COO

Karen Talavera

President and Founder
Synchronicity Marketing
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