Why Joy is the Future of Marketing
Why Joy is the Future of Marketing
  • On-demand
  • 25 Minutes

Marketing today is about building a connection between brand and consumer. Whether through a single moment or a string of moments making a full experience, brands today are tasked with providing a joyful, individualized experience for each and every consumer. This is no longer a nice-to-have; it’s a requirement from today’s consumer.

But how do we adapt to changing consumer behaviors, navigate shifting compliance regulations, and help our teams balance life and work? How do brands address all of this at once, while making sure their experience brings joy to everyone involved.

In this session, Iterable CMO Adriana Gil Miner shares what it takes for leading brands today to adapt and leverage the power of joy and emotion to redefine the future of customer engagement.



Adriana Gil Miner

Chief Marketing Officer
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