Ask A Dreamer About: Pushing Creative Boundaries to Boost Engagement
Ask A Dreamer About: Pushing Creative Boundaries to Boost Engagement
  • On-demand
  • 30 Minutes

Have you hit a creative block? Do all of your marketing campaigns feel the same? It’s time to get outside of the box!

Rachel Kamel, Growth Director in the gaming industry, will lead us through how she pushes creative boundaries to capture the attention of her audience, all while staying true to the brand’s voice, look, and feel. Learn how she works efficiently with other teams to brainstorm fresh ideas, test multiple variables, and deliver joy to her customers through aesthetic messages.

Deja Darrington, Customer Marketing Manager at Iterable will join Rachel as they chat through pushing past creative roadblocks and thinking outside the box to capture attention and increase revenue.

Walk away from this webinar understanding:

  • How to think outside of the box
  • Best practices for effectively testing new creative approaches
  • Tips for maintaining customer-centric campaigns




Deja Darrington

Customer Marketing Manager

Rachel Kamel

Growth Marketing Leader
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