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Design and Automate Experiences With Ease

Create highly-personalized communications that listen to, react to, and anticipate your customers’ needs.

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Create Dynamic Messages in Every Channel

Drag-and-drop, code your own, or select from a customizable library of dynamic content block snippets to rapidly assemble world-class communications.

Quickly Build Automated Journeys

Create drag-and-drop journeys with tiles that trigger dynamic content, experiences, and sequences from real-time events. Leverage pre-built tilesets to save time with commonly-used combinations.

Achieve Individualization

Personalize content using customer attributes with Handlebars, curate unique product recommendations with Catalog, and localize content in different languages with our Locales template.

Collaborate Across Teams

Execute faster with cloneable journeys, shared folders and asset libraries, and customizable role-based account protections to create quickly and confidently.

Complete the End-to-End Journey

Design lifecycle campaign messaging seamlessly across channels for marketing, then trigger confirmation emails and texts for transactions—all from the same platform.