Lower Technical Lift With Iterable’s Ingest Toolkit
Lower Technical Lift With Iterable’s Ingest Toolkit

Marketers and technical teams alike are facing a huge challenge: trapped data. Because customer data fuels the personalization engine, without it, high-quality marketing communications are a no-go.

That’s why data teams everywhere are rapidly adopting and investing in data warehouses. But, when this data gets stuck in said data warehouses—or trapped in other tools—it requires significant tech resources and a higher operational burden to be able to activate it and use it in customer communications.

This results in less efficient marketing teams, less personal marketing communications, and decreased customer loyalty and revenue.

Download this guide to explore:

  • The Problem: Trapped Data
    • Marketing teams’ over-reliance on technical teams
    • The resulting frustration technical teams experience
  • The Solution: Iterable’s Ingest Toolkit
    • APIs, SDKs, and NoSQL Database
    • Smart Ingest & Partner Ecosystem
    • Data Schema Management
    • Identity Toolkit: Anonymous User Tracking & UserMerge API

So, if you’re curious to learn how features like Iterable’s Smart Ingest, amongst others, can help improve your team’s efficiency by reducing frustration and enabling marketing autonomy, download this guide today.

Lower Technical Lift With Iterable's Ingest Toolkit
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