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Are You a Dreamer, Builder, or Maker?

The customer experience doesn’t magically appear. It takes a team of brilliant minds to put the pieces together. Grab your teammates and find out what type of marketer you are!


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Whether you think big, solve problems, or put it all together in a cohesive story, you’re a valuable part of the customer experience.

There is rightfully significant emphasis placed on the customer in crafting a customer experience, but we want to give a little shine to the humans behind the scenes—the Dreamers, Builders, and Makers who toil away all in the hope of bringing their customers joy.

By taking this short quiz, you’ll find out which archetype fits your personality best and some resources to maximize your potential! You’ll also find out how to collaborate best with the other archetypes—a great team activity if we do say so ourselves!

Dreamers think big and love a good brainstorming session. They are visionaries with an eye on the future always looking for growth opportunities for their teams and the business at large.

Builders develop the foundation upon which everything is possible. They solve problems at their onset to help mitigate future problems and empower those around them to succeed.

Makers are creators and storytellers to their core. They collect insights and information from multiple sources and foster lasting relationships with their audiences.

What’s your archetype?


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