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Navigating the 2020 Holiday Season [Infographic]

With travel restrictions and economic downturns, it’s not a surprise that 63% of U.S. consumers surveyed report that the coronavirus pandemic has negatively affected their attitudes about holiday shopping.

So how can retailers and brands make deeper connections with their customers and spread cheer during this turbulent holiday season?

We recently polled 1,000 Americans about how they’re really feeling about their holiday shopping plans and discovered these top three findings:

  1. The surge in e-commerce demand will continue beyond the pandemic.
  2. Emotional connections to a brand are increasingly important in a digital-first world.
  3. Consumers are willing to wait for sales, but when retailers message them is critical.

But those findings are just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to consumer holiday shopping behavior.

Check out our infographic below for even more key takeaways and statistics that can guide your seasonal strategy.

Inside you’ll learn:

  • How the holidays will impact small and local businesses
  • Why emotional connections can make or break sales
  • When shoppers want to receive promotions before and after the holiday season

Click on the infographic to zoom in on all the insights and download a copy for yourself.

2020 Holiday Season Infographic

Click the infographic to zoom in and download a copy!

Make Connections and Be Merry This Holiday Season

2020 is unique, so it’s time to rethink conventional holiday selling tactics.

Get started by downloading our complete retail makeover guide or request a demo to see what real customer connections can do for your bottom line.

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