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Catalog: The Next Generation of Personalized Content Experiences

It’s an exciting time to be a digital marketer. New technologies enable brands to tie wide varieties of customer data together and generate new, real-time marketing experiences.

And these advancements could not have come at a better time. Consumers are acutely aware of the personal data that businesses are tracking—and they expect to get something of equal value in return. Consumers have raised the bar: 66% report valuing experience over price when making brand decisions.

At Iterable, we strive to help marketers consistently build customer experiences worthy of engagement and loyalty. And today, we are very excited to introduce Catalog, a brand new way for you to radically enhance your marketing campaigns using individualized content.

What Is Catalog?

Catalog is a new way to use metadata for deep personalization at database-wide scale. Metadata personalization on elements like prices, images, location and other descriptions opens up a new realm of enhanced marketing possibilities. Catalog quickly builds relevant content, offers, and product recommendations from marketer-selected metadata criteria to create highly personalized campaign content.

Personalized content lists are created as Collections, and generated from the Catalog Collection Builder. Designed for the modern marketer, the Collection Builder UI is one of its kind and segments metadata criteria for building customized content.

Catalog’s strength lies in its ability to create dynamic product recommendations that are particularly resonant to specific audience segments. As seen below, you can segment on any type of criteria in the Collection Builder, like location and rating.

Catalog Collection Builder

Segmenting criteria in the Collection Builder within Catalog

What Are the Benefits of Using Catalog?

  1. Content Personalization: Catalog empowers marketers to build their own dynamic product recommendations that are attuned to each customer, without reliance on outside teams. Now, Iterable makes it possible for marketers to build individualized campaigns using the metadata that brands already possess!
  2. Geo-Bound Experiences: Marketers can build recommendations on any criteria they choose, including geolocation data. Whether this is creating flight deals near you or selling new homes located in San Francisco, Catalog can easily create geo-bound experiences that are uniquely tailored to each and every one of your users.
  3. Usability and Efficiency: Catalog’s powerful capabilities stems from its usability and efficiency. Being able to build modifiable Collections in a matter of minutes for specific content blocks or audience segments is a game-changer for our customers. This alone completely reshapes traditional content and campaign offerings. Instead of being personalized to a segment of users, Catalog’s scope offers the flexibility for marketers to generate different collections of personalized content to different individuals within the same workflow.

How Can You Use Catalog?

Let’s walk through an example. Imagine you are a food delivery business that wants to showcase the most popular restaurants to customers. Each of your users maintain their own preferences, live in different locations, and have different dietary restrictions. How can you use Catalog to personalize restaurant recommendations using these specific attributes?

Here’s how.

In this case, you’ll create the category “Restaurants” using Collection Builder and segment on the specific sets of criteria you would like to include—criteria like restaurant ratings, popularity scores, or even geolocation data. An individualized content recommendation could be: “vegetarian restaurants with a rating of 9 that are located near me.”

Based on the specific criteria, you can generate lists of restaurants that complement your customers’ profile data in a matter of minutes. And the options are limitless.

You want to create a new Catalog item, but this time on menu dishes? Yes, that’s possible, too!

How about segmenting by restaurants near your customer? Not a problem.

Catalog Use Cases

Food delivery use case showcasing Catalog, Collection Builder, and Collections

In addition to food and beverage, Catalog’s use cases span multiple industries, including retail and e-commerce, health and wellness, marketplaces, travel, and more.

Why Catalog?

  1. Individualized recommendations: Marketers have the ability to create real-time product recommendations based on geolocation data in Catalog. Whether you want to find running trails near you or recommend a housing listing that is 15 miles radius from you, Catalog gives you the power to create individualized recommendations quickly!
  2. Platform-native UI: The Collection Builder UX is unique to Iterable. No other growth marketing platform in the market can provide the ease of use and flexibility of Catalog, all within the Iterable platform.
  3. Marketer empowerment: Traditionally, marketers must rely on their engineering and data science teams to create dynamic product recommendations. However, Catalog’s usability is designed for the modern marketer to filter criteria and create Collections easily without any technical assistance.
  4. Additional testing depth: Catalog can greatly expand your A/B testing strategy. Creating multiple Collections let’s you generate and test different dynamic content experiences to audience segments. Instead of testing on what message is best for your brand, you can now test which of your different values matter most to your customers.
  5. Out-of-the-box functionality: Time to value is a huge differentiator for Catalog. Being able to create Collections for a variety of use cases empowers the marketer to unlock their creativity and richer level of personalized nuance into their customers’ campaign experiences.

Unlocking individualization for your users has always a daunting task. With Catalog, marketers have more flexibility and creative capability than ever. To learn more about Catalog and how to create dynamic product recommendations, sign up for a custom demo today.

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