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Highlighting Community: A Look at 2024 Pride Campaigns

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June is more than just the beginning of summer, it marks a vibrant celebration of love, diversity, and inclusivity during Pride Month. Every year, brands worldwide embrace this opportunity to show their support for the LGBTQ+ community through thoughtful and impactful campaigns.

This year, in 2024, we witnessed some remarkable efforts that not only celebrated Pride but also promoted genuine inclusivity and meaningful action. Let’s dive into some standout Pride campaigns from June 2024 and see how these brands are making a difference.

1. Nike’s “Be True” Campaign

Nike has long been a trailblazer in promoting diversity and inclusion, and their 2024 “Be True” campaign is a testament to their unwavering commitment to the LGBTQ+ community. This year, Nike’s “Be True” campaign focuses on celebrating the authenticity, creativity, and courage of LGBTQ+ individuals through a vibrant collection of apparel, footwear, and events.

Screenshot of Nike's website section with the headline "Every Body Should Be Safe in Sport."

Nike’s Be True campaign highlights the importance of safety and inclusion and showcases designs created by members of the LGBTQ+ community.

The “Be True” collection for 2024 is a colorful and dynamic range of products that embody the spirit of Pride. The collection features a variety of items including shoes, clothing, and accessories adorned with rainbow hues and symbols that reflect the diversity and unity of the LGBTQ+ community. Each piece in the collection is designed to be gender-neutral, emphasizing inclusivity and the idea that everyone should feel comfortable expressing themselves authentically.
Nike’s “Be True” campaign for 2024 is more than just a collection of products; it’s a powerful statement of support and a celebration of the LGBTQ+ community’s strength and resilience.

2. Athletic Brewing Company’s “Rainbow Wall”

Athletic Brewing Company launched “Rainbow Wall” beer for Pride 2024. What’s brilliant about this campaign is that it truly embodies both inclusivity and the Athletic Brewing Company’s brand. This non-alcoholic brew, according to their site, is “named after one of our favorite climbs in Red Rock Canyon, Rainbow Wall.”

Connecting this Pride campaign to physical activity and creating a non-alcoholic option aligns directly with their mission “To positively impact our customers’ lifestyle while greatly impacting our communities and environment for the better.”

Photo of Athletic Brewing Company's Rainbow Wall beer can.

Atheltic Brewing Company’s IMPACT Brew series “features 4 specialty limited time offerings: Soul Sour, Trailblazer, Rainbow Wall, and Ready Front, honoring Black History Month, Women’s History Month, Pride Month, and Veteran’s Day, respectively.”

What’s more, “donations through Rainbow Wall will go to The OUT Foundation, supporting their efforts to remove barriers to access while empowering LGBTQIA+ bodies and minds across the fitness space.”

3. NYX Cosmetics’ “Proud Allies for All”

NYX Cosmetics has long been a champion of inclusivity and self-expression, and their 2024 “Proud Allies for All” campaign for Pride Month beautifully underscores this commitment. According to their site, this campaign is “A yearlong brand mission to celebrate love, support, and equality by cultivating global alliances with LGBTQIA+.”

Screenshot of NYX's website where they host an Allyship Training Quiz.

NYX partnered with The Los Angeles LGBT Center to amplify voices, raise money, and offer allyship training.

Beyond the colorful cosmetics, the “Allies for All” campaign also emphasizes education and advocacy. NYX has partnered with the Los Angeles LGBT Center to provide resources and support for the community. One example is the Allyship Training Quiz which, if completed, results in a discount.

The campaign mission is “To build a global network of allies to ensure everyone can show up exactly as they are. We believe that pride is not a month-long campaign, but a yearlong celebration of the LGBTQIA+ community.”

4. Skittles’ “Find Your Community” Campaign

Skittles took a unique approach to their 2024 Pride campaign by launching the “Find Your Community” campaign with the tagline “When You Find Your Community, Your Colors Shine.”

As Skittles says on their site, “When there’s over 8 billion unique people on earth but the LGBTQ+ community is painted in just one way, that’s a problem. At Skittles ® we know that the LGBTQ+ community isn’t just one shade, but the full rainbow. That’s why we’re partnering with GLAAD for the fifth year in a row to help represent all the colors of the LGBTQ+ community.”

Screenshot of two illustrated hands meeting to form a heart with the words "When you find your community your colors shine."

Skittles’ Pride campaign focuses on finding community.

Skittles also highlighted organizations in the LGBTQ+ community such as The Bay Area Derby, The Queer Big Apple Corps, Urban Bird Collective, Reeling Film Festival and more. Skittles not only mentions they’re providing funds to these organizations, but what the funds are specifically for, adding a layer of transparency.

5. H&M’s “My Chosen Family” Campaign

As mentioned in PR Newswire, H&M’s “My Chosen Family” campaign relaunched in early June and “focuses on the concept of non-biological families that play an essential role for many people in the LGBTQIA+ community.” They launched a vibrant collection of clothing and accessories designed in collaboration with LGBTQ+ designers. The collection featured a mix of bold prints, rainbow patterns, and empowering messages.

A rainbow background with the header "Family is Love Without Limitation."

H&M’s Pride campaign focuses on chosen families that bring the LGBTQ+ community together.

As also mentioned in the press release, “In the U.S., H&M has long been an advocate of the LGBTQIA+ community and is proud of its ongoing support of groups such as the ACLU and The Trevor Project (TTP).”

H&M’s campaign emphasizes the importance of creating inclusive spaces and fostering conversations about LGBTQ+ issues, demonstrating how brands can support the community beyond just offering themed products.

A Focus on Community

A common thread in the Pride campaigns of 2024 is community. Whether it’s Nike striving for inclusivity, NYX advocating for allyship, or Skittles encouraging connection, the broad theme is coming together for a greater good. There’s a sense of belonging being highlighted in each and every campaign and they all deliver powerful messages. These campaigns showcase both the power of diversity and the importance of standing together for equality and love. As we move forward, we hope to see even more brands embracing the spirit of Pride and using their platforms to make a positive impact on the world.

Pride Month is a reminder that every voice matters and that together, we can create a more inclusive and loving world for everyone. 🌈

To show our support for the LGBTQ+ community, Iterable will be making a donation to The Trevor Project.

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