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Introducing the Digital Transformation Infographic

Everybody’s doin’ a brand new dance now. *Record scratch* It’s not the “locomotion,” however. In this case, everyone is digitally transforming. With brands forced to adapt faster than they would have in a pandemic-less world, digital transformation has been kicked into high gear. 

But, just because brands have come to terms with the fact that digital transformation is a necessity, doesn’t mean it’s easy to define or execute. We’ve put together an infographic to capture what the digital transformation journey may look like for your brand and some industry stats.

Our goal with this digital transformation infographic is to clarify what digital transformation actually means (it’s not just marketing jargon) and how your brand can get started. 

In the infographic below we cover four main milestones you’ll need to accomplish in your digital transformation journey:

  1. Initiation: Taking that first step. Someone has to recognize the need for transformation and initiate change.
  2. Uncertainty: You’re unsure of the investment you’ve made. Feeling uneasy in the digital transformation process is natural.
  3. Transformation: This is where the magic happens. Here, you can take your learnings from the uncertainty stage and develop them towards a true digital transformation.
  4. Routinization: Making this process a recurring cycle. Once you digitally transform, you’re not set for life. We live in an unpredictable world that’s constantly evolving and you need to be sure you’re keeping up by auditing your processes on an ongoing basis.
Digital Transfomation Infographic

Where are you on your digital transformation journey?

Click on the digital transformation infographic to learn more about each of the milestones. Download a copy and share with your team to make sure you’re all on board. 

Digital Transformation Isn’t Easy. We’re Here to Help.

Like we’ve said time and time again, there isn’t a digital transformation button you can press to update all of your processes and modernize your tech stack. But, there are ways you can approach the digital transformation process and, better yet, make it easy to routinize, as needed. 

Customers expect modern marketing methods and are also comparing your brand to others. You’re not alone in your digital transformation journey. We know it’s a challenge, but, with the right tools and mindset you’ll be able to transform your brand’s capabilities and create a better experience for your customers.  So, if other brands can deliver a more up-to-date customer experience, and yours seems antiquated, they’ll jump ship train. 

Don’t get left behind. Schedule an Iterable demo to learn how we can help you modernize your tech stack and achieve your digital transformation goals.

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