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Introducing Iterable Plaza, the new Iterable Community

Welcome to Iterable Plaza, Our New Community Platform

We’re excited to officially introduce the Iterable Plaza, our newly revamped community platform. This launch has been a long time in the making, and we can’t wait to finally share it with you. Whether you’re a customer, partner, or just curious, this is your go-to place for all things Iterable.

Imagine a vibrant town square where ideas are exchanged, connections are made, and everyone’s voices can be heard. Just like a bustling city center, Iterable Plaza is designed to serve as a lively space where people can gather to find inspiration and learn from their peers.

And here’s the best part: we are officially opening the virtual doors of the community platform to the public! Yup, you read that right. Whether you’re an Iterable user or just an enthusiast, you can now join in, connect with marketing pros, and add your own perspective to the community. Your contributions help shape the space, and every exchange adds a new splash of color to the big picture we’re building.

So here’s the inside scoop on what you can expect from Iterable Plaza—get ready to explore and have some fun!

Take a Stroll Through Our Spaces

The Iterable Plaza is all about connecting, sharing, and learning, so to begin your journey, we’ve created several dedicated spaces for interaction.

Start your journey in the Iterable Plaza

  • Welcome Courtyard: Your first stop when you arrive! This is your starting point for learning everything about the Iterable Plaza. Don’t forget to personalize your profile to get Plaza-ready.
  • Product Newsstand: Hear about the latest and greatest product updates to the Iterable platform.
  • Conversation Central: Ask questions, receive advice, and discuss all things marketing and Iterable.
  • Bulletin Bazaar: Stay in the loop with Iterable’s news and general announcements.

But wait, there’s more! Here’s why you should jump into the Plaza today, even if you’re not an Iterable user (yet 😉).

Here are six reasons to get acquainted with everything the Plaza has to offer.

6 Reasons to Pop Into Iterable Plaza

1. Explore our events and user groups. Yes, the Iterable Plaza is a virtual platform, but we’ve got some fantastic in-person opportunities too. Whether it’s webinars, meetups, or networking events, there’s something for everyone. And for our Iterable users, customer-led user groups are the perfect way to connect with fellow enthusiasts in your region.

2. Earn points and win prizes. Who doesn’t love a little friendly competition? We’ve gamified the experience into Iterable Plaza, meaning you can earn points and badges, and be recognized as community champions. So jump in, share your wisdom, and you could win fun prizes while building up your community reputation.

3. Elevate your skills and get fresh insights. Looking for a fresh dose of inspiration? Iterable Plaza is the perfect spot to brainstorm new marketing strategies and explore what’s possible with the Iterable platform. Jump into conversations with experts from all over—the spark for your next big idea could be just one chat away.

4. Unlock career opportunities. Are you looking for your next career move or want to share a job opening? The Job Board in Iterable Plaza is the perfect place to post open positions, share job opportunities, and connect with industry professionals. I’ve seen some amazing opportunities pop up and trust me, you don’t want to miss out—let’s make those career moves happen.

5. Search for the perfect answer. Our community has been upgraded with fully integrated search, so you can now browse and discover Iterable Academy courses, support documentation, community discussions, and more—all from a single search bar. You can also wander through more spaces in the Plaza, including our resources library and partner directory for best practices and technology recommendations. Got a unique inquiry or issue for the Iterable team? Submit a ticket to the plaza’s support desk, and we’ll get back to you pronto.

6. Stay in the loop with the latest updates. Want to stay on top of everything happening in Iterable Plaza? You’re all set! Whether it’s events or announcements, you can subscribe to stay in the loop. And for my Iterable customers, here’s an extra bonus—you get access to real-time product updates! No more scrambling to catch up—those notifications will keep you in the know, so you’re always one step ahead.

Step Right Up and Join the Plaza

Just as Iterable’s mission is to connect people through meaningful data-driven experiences, Iterable Plaza brings our wider community together to grow and succeed.

Ready to jump into the action? Join the Iterable Plaza and introduce yourself. It’s sure to be tons of fun.

See you in the Plaza!

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