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About Operation Blessing

Operation Blessing is a nonprofit, humanitarian organization dedicated to demonstrating God’s love by alleviating human suffering. For more than 40 years, Operation Blessing has provided hunger relief, medical care, clean water, and disaster relief to millions across the globe.

Lauren's Bio

Lauren is a passionate nonprofit marketer with 15 years of experience in Christian organizations spanning from local, small start-ups to global international ones. She has worked in a number of positions in the marketing and IT realm and loves to leverage data, systems, and automation to advance marketing goals and revenue. She currently serves as the Senior Manager of Marketing Strategy & Systems at Operation Blessing where she oversees the marketing systems, data and journeys to increase revenue and improve donor experience.

Fun Facts

I’ve served in church production roles for 15 years to execute audiovisual elements.
I once sold a $35 Virginia Ham to actor Colin Farrell from a market cafe where I was working in Williamsburg, VA.
I’ve traveled to Central and South America many times to work with Christian nonprofits and charities.


What are some of your career highlights or campaigns that you’re especially proud of?

Just recently, I helped the nonprofit Orphan Helpers relaunch their new website and promotional videos for their official rebranding to Counteract International. I believe strongly in their mission and cause, and it was a joy to help them realign their name with the work they are doing in Central America.


How do you stay inspired or motivated in your work?

“Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters.” ~ Colossians 3:23 ~

Everything I do in my career and job is for the Lord. My goal is to use the gifts and skills He has blessed me with to further His name throughout the world.


What challenges was your team experiencing before Iterable? How has Iterable helped address these challenges?

The marketing platform we used before Iterable was a lot clunkier and more technical, which made it difficult for all marketers to use depending on their technical skill level. Iterable is very intuitive and easy to use.


What are some Iterable features that have made your job easier? Or have been game-changers for yourself and your team?

Send Time Optimization has been a valuable feature that we use on a majority of all our emails to increase engagement on that channel. Also, the Preview with Data feature within email campaign building is very useful when testing dynamic data and handlebar logic.


As a consumer, what brings you joy from a brand’s outreach/communication?

When a brand is able to align their work and mission with a prospect’s passions, a symbiotic relationship is formed and a profound impact can be made throughout the world.


How do you stay up–to–date with the latest trends and developments in marketing?

I take LinkedIn Learning courses on marketing topics and try to stay engaged with other marketers from other companies on there. I also attend marketing conferences and as many online webinars and trainings as possible.


What’s the best advice you’ve ever been given?

“Never doubt in the dark what God has shown you in the light.”


If you weren’t a marketer, what would you be?

Executive Director of a Christian nonprofit offering budgeting and financial counseling services.