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Understand your customers & design winning campaigns


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About Iterate

Iterate’s unique customer insights platform empowers teams to listen, learn, and act. Iterate is putting customer insights at the center of your business, making them accessible across teams by feeding them directly into the tools you are already using so that every decision can be customer-obsessed.

Iterate empowered us to quickly and efficiently talk to our customers – the Iterate team’s been massively supportive as we ramp up. With Iterate, we were able to get the feedback we needed to push our product forward and make sure it’s aligned with what our customers want, need, and expect from MainStreet.
Jillian Berger, Head of UX Research at MainStreet

Iterate and Iterable

Iterable integrates with Iterate, enabling marketers to easily deploy website and email surveys. Survey responses can be used to enrich customer profiles, whether that’s with data like NPS or Customer Satisfaction scores, or personal info and preferences.


Iterate + Iterable Partnership PDF

Use cases

  • Add NPS scores to your customer records

    Enrich your customer profiles in Iterable with real-time customer loyalty data with an Iterate NPS survey. Net Promoter Scores can be used to target campaigns to reduce churn, retain engaged customers, or turn your brand’s biggest fans into advocates.

  • Fill missing customer data for better targeting

    Fill in gaps in demographic or other customer data with a survey, for better campaign targeting and personalization.

  • New product testing

    Gauge demand for potential new products among your existing customers. Follow up on product launches to re-engage customers who’d expressed interest.