Less do, more think: How to succeed in the AI-powered marketing era
Less do, more think: How to succeed in the AI-powered marketing era

Did you know that 47% of marketers are most drawn to AI for the ability to work more efficiently? Now you do. Higher efficiency means more time to strategize how to reach your customers in a meaningful way. But the way marketers view AI goes way beyond that.

Check out our newest whitepaper with Ad Age that highlights some of the findings from a survey of 1,200 marketers around the globe conducted by us and Wakefield Research where we deep dive into how companies are taking a second look at AI and all of the benefits it can bring when used in the marketing space and beyond!

AI applications are expanding as marketers become more comfortable with the technology, but brands still need human intervention and maximum creativity.  In this whitepaper you’ll find insights from Priceline, Redfin, Vimeo, GitLab, Strava, Care.com and Iterable on AI in marketing.

Less do, more think: How to succeed in the AI-powered marketing era
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