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34 Essential Omni-Channel Marketing Stats You Need to Know

In today’s Now Economy, consumers demand highly relevant and personalized experiences as they interact with brands on a multitude of devices. As their expectations increase, an omni-channel strategy becomes mission-critical for marketers. Savvy businesses are recognizing the dramatic impact that unifying all online and offline channels can have on their growth, and they’re taking hard looks into their own processes on how to become more effective and efficient from click to cash.

Those who have already gone all-in are seeing return on their investments. The omni-channel experience has become the new standard of all customer interactions, and all brands need to get on board. Now is the time to look inward and evaluate the stakes. The numbers don’t lie, so read on for the 34 essential omni-marketing stats that you need to know.

A true omni-channel experience is what your customers want

  • 72% of adults prefer communication with companies digitally (MarketingSherpa)
  • 60% of millennials expect consistent brand experiences—whether in-store, online or by phone (SDL)
  • 49% of consumers buy from their favorite omni-channel brands at least once per week (Marketing Land)
  • 62% of consumers who engage their favorite brands on 10+ channels make weekly purchases (Marketing Land)
  • 48% of shoppers will share data for more personalized service (Deloitte)
  • 47% of customers would switch to a competitor within a day of a poor customer experience ([24]7)

Because it’s native to their digital habits

  • 11 hours a day is spent by Americans engaging with electronic media (Nielson)
  • 86% of shoppers are regularly channel-hopping across at least two channels (CommerceHub)
  • 73% of consumers shop on more than one channel (Harvard Business Review)
  • 82% of shoppers use their smartphones as shopping assistants in stores (BazaarVoice)
  • 46% percent are visiting that same retailer’s own app or website (Think With Google)
  • 25% have made online purchases while standing in a physical store (BigCommerce)

Your competitors recognize the impact of omni-channel marketing 

  • 87% of retailers agree that an omni-channel marketing strategy is critical or very important to their success (Brightpearl)
  • 42% of retail executives spend up to half their marketing budget on omni-channel initiatives (Iterable)
  • 56% of every dollar spent in-store is influenced by digital transactions (Deloitte)
  • 30% higher lifetime customer values are attributed to consumers shopping across multiple channels (IDC)
  • 13% more is spent by consumers who research purchases in advance (Shopify)
  • 84% of marketers use customer data to inform their marketing (eMarketer)
  • 76% of marketers are prioritizing customer loyalty over customer acquisition in 2018 (IDG)
  • 51% of companies today use at least eight channels to interact with customers (Aberdeen Group)
  • 45% of consumers believe retailers not delivering multi-channel experiences fast enough (McKinsey)

And it’s working for them

  • 89% of customers are retained by companies with omni-channel engagement strategies (Invesp)
  • 23X higher rates of customer satisfaction are experienced by companies with omni-channel strategies (Aberdeen Group)
  • 3X higher effectiveness rates are reported by companies using multi-channel marketing vs. non-integrated campaigns (Heinz)
  • 4% spend increases are attributed to in-store customers who receive omni-channel marketing (Harvard Business Review)
  • 10% spend increases are attributed to online customers who receive omni-channel marketing (Harvard Business Review)
  • 30% higher LTVs are seen by retailers with omni-channel strategies (Think With Google)

But it’s not too late to start

  • 45% of marketers feel they lack the necessary talent, technology, and processes to master omni-channel brand marketing (CMO Council)
  • 43% of marketers considered their companies as “early adopters” with new marketing technologies (OnBrand)
  • 25% of CMOs have a fixed budget line item dedicated towards innovation endeavors (MarTech Advisor)
  • 26% of companies have yet to take any action regarding an omni-channel strategy. (Rakuten)
  • 16% of marketers say their marketing technology strategies are actually aligned with their business strategies (Tealium)
  • 9% of marketers can currently engage customers across channels on a consistent basis (DMA)
  • 3% of marketers say their different brand functions are integrated well with their marketing technology (Marketing Land)

The bottom line: If you’re considering the impact that omni-channel marketing can bring to your organization, now is the time to get started!

To learn more about implementing a successful omni-channel strategy, download our No-Nonsense Guide to Achieving Omni-Channel Relevance. You’ll discover the five foundational pillars to elevating your brand’s engagement and be given an action plan to crawl, walk, and then finally run your way to delivering the experiences that your customers truly want.

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