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Iterable Customer Spotlight: Joey Soriano From Opendoor

Welcome to the August edition of our Customer Spotlight series, featuring Joey Soriano, Head of Lifecycle Marketing at Opendoor.

Opendoor’s mission is to empower everyone with the freedom to move, providing people across the U.S. with a radically simple way to buy, sell or trade-in a home. Opendoor was also named a winner of Iterable’s 2019 Growth Marketing Awards for Most Sophisticated Use of Workflow Studio

August Customer Spotlight: Joey Soriano

Joey has over 15 years of domestic and international marketing experience with stints at NYC ad agencies, as well as client-side marketing work at various high-growth companies. Joey has specialized in engagement and loyalty marketing at Fortune 500 companies, such as Visa and HP, as well as lifecycle work at start-ups such as Lyft and One Medical.

Keep reading to learn what Joey likes most about using Iterable, the best advice he’s ever been given, and more!

Opendoor Joey Soriano

  • Name: Joey Soriano 
  • Company: Opendoor
  • Title: Head of Lifecycle Marketing 
  • Location: San Francisco 
  • Hometown: San Francisco (born and raised)

When and how did you get your start in marketing? 

After my super-senior year in undergrad, I moved to NYC to work in advertising at ad agencies. From there I went to b-school with plans to eventually move to the client side. Upon graduation, I did just that and started in marketing at Visa in Foster City.

What frustrates you about marketing?

The concept that past marketing solutions are always applicable or as effective in every new situation is something that is both frustrating as well as interesting. 

Example: some top-of-funnel paid tactics can work for a ton of e-commerce applications. In some instances, however, with products that have different customer lifecycles, these tactics can be completely useless and you’ll need to go back to the drawing board.

A great skill to have in marketing is knowing when to either let a campaign ride out or when it’s time to pull the plug.

I also like when non-marketing stakeholders come to me and say, “We don’t have a budget. We don’t have any creative ideas, but just make something good for our company to go viral!” 

What do you like most about using Iterable? 

Developing a workflow is near dummy-proof. There are basically two requirements to getting an automation shipped using workflows:

  1. The ability to read.
  2. The ability to drag and drop boxes then connect with lines. 

Sometimes it’s too easy and the new problem is limiting and managing user access to the project. 

Can you share how Opendoor is leveraging Iterable in your re-engagement campaigns? 

Iterable is the sole automation system driving the success of Opendoor’s re-engagement. Between two workflows in Iterable, ALL home seller re-engagement is created. 

When a user has lapsed in their offer process, the next actionable step for the user is to renew/refresh their offer with us. This process is initiated through the two Iterable re-engagement workflows. 

The metrics of these two workflows are checked two or three times daily and are also scrutinized by much of the company in some form or another based on internal stakeholders’ related OKRs. 

When there is an engineering issue on our end with either of these two campaigns, it becomes a P-0 priority to triage and fix. These two automations currently employ a series of 10+ emails but will also be integrating some SMS interactions in Q3 of this year.

(Learn more about Opendoor’s 7-step framework for marketing automation here)

What’s the best advice you’ve ever been given?

It’s gotta be either: “Maximize your 401(K) as soon as you can in your career,” OR “Beer then liquor, never sicker.”

If someone gave you $5 million tomorrow, what would you do?

Buy a small three-bedroom house in San Francisco—HA!

Or, pay off my current mortgage and go bullish on crypto. Also, maybe bootstrap my own project for a bit.

Learn More in Our Community

Have any questions for Joey Soriano about how Opendoor is leveraging Iterable to re-engage with users? Ask him in the Iterable Community where Iterable customers gain exclusive access to our thought leaders, request new features and learn the latest trends and tactics in growth marketing.

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