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How Quizzes Collect Zero-Party Data to Help Build Customer Profiles

Capture zero-party data, grow your email & SMS marketing list, and drive more revenue with high-converting product recommendation quizzes, surveys, mini-quizzes, dynamic forms, landing pages, preference centers, and more! Digioh’s flexible offering empowers brands to reap the rewards of data activation across onsite experiences, in-app experiences, retention marketing efforts, and retargeting campaigns.

With over 1,700 customers, such as BistroMD, Better Homes & Gardens, People, MeUndies, and RedBubble—plus 200+ integrations to seamlessly align with your technology stack—there is no platform stronger than Digioh to help brands drive incremental revenue growth, build customer experience, and activate zero-party data at every consumer touch point.

Zero-party data is the key to building customer profiles, but what’s the best way to collect it? Quizzes at face value are a fantastic way to generate more sales and increase your conversion rate (CVR) up to 5X, but they’re also a secret weapon when it comes to collecting zero-party data. A well-designed quiz can provide valuable customer insights, helping you tailor your business and marketing strategies to customer needs.

As cookies and third-party tracking are phased out, marketers must get creative and find ways to incentivize customers to share their personal information and preferences—also known as zero-party data. Collecting this type of data may sound a bit daunting, but it benefits everyone! Customers can be sure that the only data collected is data they’ve intentionally shared, while brands can be confident their data is accurate as they build consumer trust.

Quizzes Give Customers a Reason to Share Their Data

One of the most difficult aspects of collecting customer-consented data is getting customers to share it in the first place. Gathering zero-party data requires you to build trust and provide strong incentives. Quizzes come packed with strong incentives and benefits for customers, making them incredibly effective tools for gathering zero-party data. But there are a variety of benefits to including quizzes in your customer journey.

Provide Entertainment

Quizzes are fun! An interactive, engaging experience will capture your audience’s attention and keep it. In fact, more than 25% of all site visitors will take a quiz. You can increase the entertainment value of a quiz by incorporating gamification elements like scoring, badges, and rewards.

Give Product Recommendations

Product recommendation quizzes help customers narrow down an entire catalog of products based on their needs, preferences, and budget. Customers also understand why you’re asking these specific questions because they relate directly to helping them find the right items, which helps build trust.

Offer Education

Trivia quizzes test a user’s knowledge and provide interesting facts. These types of quizzes are especially effective for brands and organizations that have a steep learning curve when it comes to their products or services. For example, a security software company might have a quiz that tests your knowledge on website security, which can help users understand why they need their product.

Help With Decision Making

Making purchasing decisions can be tough, especially with big-ticket items, specialty products, or technology. Recommendation quizzes ask the right questions to make suggestions based on their specific needs. For example, Willow, a breast pump brand, helps new moms find their perfect pump based on their lifestyle. Unlike a recommendation quiz that is helping shoppers sort through hundreds or even thousands of items, Willow’s quiz helps them decide between a few different items.

Allow for Self-Discovery

Quizzes can help users gain personal insights about their health, strengths, personality, style, or even ideal vacation destination. Personality quizzes also have a high re-share value because they’re fun to share with friends to compare results.

Building Detailed Customer Profiles

The main goal of a quiz is to deliver some kind of results, but you can gain a lot of useful customer profile data depending on the questions you ask. Carefully planned questions can help determine your results and provide you with valuable customer information.

Asking the Right Questions

To determine quiz results, the right questions to ask depends on your brand. However, there are some questions that can be useful in any niche.

Here are example quiz questions to help build customer profiles:

  • What is your name?
  • How old are you?
  • What is your gender?
  • Where do you live?
  • What is your budget?
  • What is your favorite [color, style, etc?]
  • What are your favorite brands?
  • Are you interested in a subscription or a one-time purchase?
  • Are you shopping for yourself or someone else?
  • How much experience do you have with [topic]?
  • What are your top goals?/What problems are you hoping to solve?
  • What is the most important factor in making a purchasing decision? (price, quality, trusted brand, etc)
  • What is your preferred contact method? (For delivering results, or offers)

Segmenting Customer Profiles Based on Quiz Questions

Nearly any quiz question that guides product recommendation can also be used in building segments in your customer profiles. For example, a health brand may ask for the user’s age to recommend the right supplements. But age is also an important piece of data when it comes to building customer segments and re-targeting those customers in the future, as customers’ needs for vitamins and supplements change as they get older.

Understanding and Identifying Your Ideal Customer Profile

Sometimes quizzes provide some surprising insights that can really impact your overall marketing strategy. Before launching a product quiz, men’s jewelry brand, Jaxxon, assumed most of their customers were women buying gifts.

Jaxxon site asking users if they are buying jewelry for themselves or someone else.

Jaxxon’s Chain Style Quiz asks users if they’re buying for themselves or someone else.

However, they were surprised to learn that most quiz takers when asked “Are you shopping for yourself or someone else?” were men shopping for themselves. That one quiz question had a significant impact on their understanding of their ICP and how they communicate with their audience.

Enhancing Marketing Strategies with Customer Profile Data

Building better customer profiles opens up many opportunities to tailor your marketing messaging, reduce abandonment, improve recommendations, and upsell more effectively.

Widespread Personalization

Email marketing is more effective with personalization. Apply that principle to not only your email marketing campaigns, but your SMS messages and on your website. Customize everything your visitors see. Use their name, show specific products based on their preferences, or even call back to specific quiz questions in your offers.

Sample quiz asking users if they sleep on their side.

Mock-up quiz that asks users if they’re side-sleepers.

Retargeting and Abandonment Campaigns

Understanding your customers’ interests and needs lets you target them effectively across all of your marketing channels and in search results. Remind them of their quiz results if they haven’t made a purchase yet. Or if they have, use the opportunity to upsell, or show them something new they might like based on their quiz answers.

Using zero-party data to your advantage can also help tremendously when it comes to abandonment strategies. Just sending a follow-up email to quiz takers with their results has increased our customers’ CVR by more than 300%.

Overall Marketing Strategy

In addition to tailoring messaging to existing customers, you can—and should—find ways to use this data to attract new customers. If you see trends in quiz answers, use that to inform your marketing efforts. For example, if you find that most quiz takers are female, prefer the color blue, and have a budget of around $100, then you may infer that your ads should contain products that fit that bill.

Addressing Privacy Concerns

Another challenge of collecting zero-party data is that not everyone feels comfortable sharing their data without knowing how it’s going to be used. In fact, 67% of customers believe brands aren’t using their data responsibly. It’s necessary to be transparent and compliant when collecting data.

BistroMD page asking users to select their gender. On the right is the expanded "Why do we ask" link which explains how hormones impact metabolic rate.

BistroMD uses a tooltip to explain why they are asking for gender and why it’s relevant to recommending a healthy meal plan.

Here are some ways to increase transparency:

  • Why Do We AskTooltips: if you ask a question that seems personal or somehow unrelated to the results, explain how that information is used to benefit the customer.
  • Opt-In Checkbox: Include an affirmative opt-in checkbox and disclosure text on your quiz’s email capture page.

It’s also vital to secure your collected customer data. Using login security features like multi-factor authentication and multiple user accounts (rather than shared passwords) goes a long way to protect user data. Additionally, it’s important to work with technology and marketing platforms that are SOC2 Type II certified, and GDPR and CCPA compliant.

An effective zero-party data marketing strategy hinges on maintaining data privacy and retaining customer trust. It only takes one bad experience or data breach to ruin your reputation.

Start Using Quizzes to Build Better Customer Profiles

Quizzes are the perfect way to connect brands with their customers. Customers love how engaging and helpful they are, while brands appreciate how effective they are at increasing conversions and collecting zero-party data. By building more accurate customer profiles based on quiz data, you can tailor your marketing strategy and create more compelling customer experiences—even long after they’ve taken the quiz. In a competitive landscape, quizzes can give you the edge you need to reach your customers and grow your business.

Want to learn more about how Digioh builds quizzes to help brands collect zero-party data? Check our their session from #Activate23

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