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How Neuro Is Leading Change for Customers and Community

If you’ve been around our content recently, you might have noticed a theme of Dreamers, Builders and Makers. These are the people behind today’s customer experiences. The ones coming up with big ideas, solving problems and thinking creatively and strategically to make sure every customer has an experience worth remembering. 

As part of our effort to highlight these professionals, I’m excited to announce the kickoff of our brand new interview series, “Dream It, Build It, Make It.” In this series, I’ll be diving deep with guests from a variety of industries to learn more about how they are working to create long-lasting connections with their audiences. 

The customer experience goes beyond the moment of purchase, and the guests I chat with show how granular and personalized you can truly get when focusing on the right things. We’re all in this together, so what better way to collaborate than sharing ideas?

First up, the co-founders of Neuro, makers of functional gum and mints to improve energy, clarity and focus. 

Meet Ryan and Kent From Neuro

In our chat, Ryan Chen and Kent Yoshimura covered a range of topics from building trust in the brand-customer relationship to being authentic when taking a stance on social issues. As a company that has committed to giving 1% of everything back, Neuro—and Ryan and Kent—feel strongly about instilling the personalities of the Neuro team in the overarching brand persona. It’s less about a brand and more about the emotional connection with those behind the scenes.

Also of note, we discussed how to tackle systemic issues. As Asian American founders, Ryan and Kent have felt the impact of the recent uptick in violence towards the AAPI community and made strides to give back in a meaningful and lasting way. The first step: authentically presenting oneself each and every day, not just during the designated days of recognition. Impact happens when consistency and transparency are present.

Impact also happens when collaboration happens. The team at Neuro has worked with dozens of other organizations like KIND Snacks to give back to communities and combat systemic inequalities throughout society.

I could transcribe the whole thing here, but they say it so much better than I can! Give it a watch or a listen right here. 

Subscribe and Stay Tuned

This is only the beginning of “Dream It, Build It, Make It.” Be sure to subscribe to our YouTube channel so you can be updated every time a new episode is live! You can also follow along on Iterable’s social channels in case you miss any episodes. 

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