Watch and Listen: Faraday Talks About AI in Modern Marketing

At Iterable, we like celebrating the Dreamers, Builders and Makers. These are the people behind today’s customer experiences. The ones coming up with big ideas, solving problems, and thinking creatively and strategically to make sure every customer has an experience worth remembering. 

As part of our effort to highlight these professionals, we kicked off a new interview series, “Dream It, Build It, Make It.” In this series, I dive deep with guests from a variety of industries to learn more about how they are working to create long-lasting connections with their audiences. We’re all in this together, so what better way to collaborate than sharing ideas?

For today’s episode, we spoke with predictive analytics and ethical AI experts, Faraday, to get their thoughts on how marketers can begin—or improve upon—their AI journey now and in the future. 

Meet Andy From Faraday

In my conversation with Andy Rossmeissl, CEO at Faraday, we covered a wide range of AI topics, but I think you’ll be most intrigued to learn how AI can impact personalization, what data sources you need, and how to limit bias in your AI engines. With third-parties traditionally playing such an important role in AI, Andy gives practical tips on what it takes to personalize communications using AI, but not relying on cookies. From there we touch on how to limit systemic biases in your AI, helping you build a closer, longer-lasting relationship with your customers. 

Give it a watch or listen to learn more from Andy right here. 

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