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Women in Marketing: A Gallery of All-Stars

Previously, we’ve spoken about the different types of marketers. The Dreamers, Builders and Makers are the ones who comprise the All-Stars behind the best customer experiences, but what if we dove in one level further to spotlight what makes some of these marketers great?

As we’re in the back half of Women’s History Month, Iterable looked internally and externally to find a few of the women doing amazing things in marketing today. To liven it up a bit, we gave them a few small challenges to tackle and show us how they get in the right mindset to be complete badasses.

Speaking of which, if you’re looking to hear from more women being the change they want to see in the world, register for “Female Founded: How LOLA and Minibar Delivery Disrupted Their Categories and Built Loyal Audiences.” 

And now, for our All-Stars. 

Women Crushing It in Marketing Today

How do you find balance outside of work?

Women in Marketing - Sonam Patel hugging a tree

Sonam becoming one with nature.

Sonam Patel, Digital Marketing Manager at Pressed Juicery, finds balance by getting some fresh air at any opportunity.

“I find balance outside of work by going on hikes at least three times a month!”

What is your go-to WFH uniform?

Women in Marketing - Ginny Tonkin all dressed up

Sometimes feeling “put together” can make all the difference.

We’ve all had changes to our daily wardrobe—some flipping through the same five (ok…two) outfits. Ginny Tonkin, Sr. Demand Generation Marketing Manager at Iterable, opts more for the treat yo’self path to get into a productive mindset for the day.

“My go-to WFH uniform still requires light makeup so I feel ‘put together,’ but I wear clothes that I generally feel like I can move around in. That way I can take walking breaks throughout the day. If I’m honest, my new favorite ‘outfit’ has been my wetsuits!”

Women in Marketing - Ginny Tonkin in a wetsuit

The beach can be considered a home office too!

What do you do to spark creativity or productivity when you hit a wall?

Women in Marketing - Kait Creamer taking up roller skating

Letting loose can really get the creative juices flowing.

We’ve all hit a wall of some sort during the pandemic. Luckily for Kait Creamer, CRM Marketing Manager at Framer, she’s been able to take advantage of one of her favorite outlets.

“I can always tell I’m burnt out when I’m working long hours and never feeling ‘caught up.’ Leaving the house to tackle physical challenges at the skatepark helps me take a brain break and get a bit of my creative spark back.”

How it started vs. how it’s going since the pandemic began?

Jennifer Sue stocking up with canned food at Target

We all did this to some degree. Don’t lie.

The start of the pandemic was…frantic. Jennifer Sue, Director of Field and Account-Based Marketing at Iterable, dove in headfirst to make sure she was prepared for what was to come.

“There was no telling how long that first lockdown would last and what sort of changes were to come. At the beginning I was focused on making sure my family and I were safe and ready for the next step.”

Since then, Jennifer has made the most of her time at home.

Jennifer Sue planting trees

Jennifer took up hobbies that will bear fruit for years to come!

“How it’s going now is all about growth! I’ve tried so many new things in the past year from latte art to calligraphy and now gardening. Normally I love traveling, so it has been challenging, but I have found so many new passions that I will definitely keep going.”

Sonam, Ginny, Kait, Jennifer, and thousands of other badass women in marketing will all be at Activate Live this year! Register today (for free!) and find them on April 7th to share the ways you’re staying balanced, creative and energized.

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