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Lower Technical Lift With Iterable’s Ingest Toolkit

The martech ecosystem is booming. Currently, there are over 14,000 SaaS tools powering today’s tech stacks an almost 30% increase in the last year alone.

With all of these different tools being integrated into martech stacks, it’s critical for marketers to be able to not only access, but activate their customer data—and do it efficiently. Brands are faced with the challenge of doing more, with less.

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37 %
of brands are wasting budget on poor quality data
- Forrester
50 %
of marketer time is spent dealing with bad data
- MIT Sloan
73 %
of acquired data goes unused
- Forrester

But, with a bevy of tools to choose from, resulting in fragmented martech architectures, we’re seeing a trend of underutilized data and wasted resources.

The Problem: Trapped Data

Customer data fuels the personalization engine. Without it, high-quality marketing communications are a no-go.

That’s why data teams everywhere are rapidly adopting and investing in data warehouses. But, when this data is stuck in data warehouses—or trapped in other tools—it requires significant tech resources and a higher operational burden to be able to activate it and use it in customer communications.

This results in less efficient marketing teams, less personal marketing communications, and decreased customer loyalty and revenue.

The Impact on Efficiency

Data warehouses require complex technical integrations and ongoing data pipeline management. As a result, technical teams are bogged down spending time supporting marketers. They have to constantly context switch because they’re working in the data source and the data storage layer but then have to also build the data pipelines to the activation layer.

Marketer’s Over-Reliance on Technical Teams

Technical teams face a challenge when it comes to supporting marketing teams. They have to balance supporting marketing teams with data requests with letting marketers pull data from the storage layer which requires a lot of cross functional alignment.

Operational complexities are evident in the challenges faced by marketers:

  • 57.2% report insufficient time for their priorities
  • 43% struggle with accessing the right data
  • 36.4% face internal misalignment of priorities

So, to avoid the heavy lift of connecting marketers directly to the data, technical teams have to help marketers troubleshoot segments and other work. Otherwise, marketers may pick the wrong data to use for their intended efforts.

This dependency on technical teams limits marketers’ ability to drive experimentation and personalization, ultimately impacting their ability to grow customer loyalty and increase growth. After all, 80% of consumers are more likely to purchase from a brand that provides personalized experiences.

Technical Team’s Increased Frustrations

This over-reliance on technical teams, no surprise, leads to immense frustration. Technical teams are frustrated with having to work across different tools. They want to work directly in their storage layer and have marketers self- serve, but don’t have the time or resources to allow for that to happen.

They’re also frustrated by marketers’ removal from the data and lack of understanding because the tools they work with require technical teams to do the heavy data lifting—there’s never an incentive for marketing teams to become more versed in data operations.

Lastly, they’re also frustrated because they have to spend time supporting marketing versus executing on their own roadmaps and tasks.

The Solution: Iterable’s Ingest Toolkit

Iterable’s approach to data integration aims to help brands activate data from anywhere with tools designed to reduce technical team lift while empowering marketers.

APIs, SDKs, and NoSQL Database

Over 10 years ago we introduced our open and flexible data environment, making Iterable a truly interoperable customer engagement platform with robust API, lightweight SDKs, and pre- built direct connections before they were an industry standard.

We believed then, as we do now, that data is at the core of better customer experiences. More data gives you richer insights, access to in-platform AI capabilities, better personalization, and more meaningful customer interactions.

Smart Ingest & Partner Ecosystem

We partnered with Hightouch to launch Smart Ingest to enable both data engineers to work in their data warehouses and marketers to effortlessly ingest the data they need—without requiring any additional technical lift. With Smart Ingest, you can communicate more personally by activating data from anywhere. Go from ideation to segmentation to activating cross-channel communication—in minutes.

Plus, brands using CDPs, analytics platforms, or other technology providers, can leverage our 120+ direct partner integrations to ensure your data can be leveraged to communicate more personally, further reducing your technical team’s lift as the data flows through your stack.

Data Schema Management

As you bring data from more sources to Iterable, keeping track of what each signal means and how to use it can become complex. Iterable’s in-platform data dictionary allows marketers to fully document and control how and when their GTM data structure gets updated, so each first name only has one FirstName field on Iterable and throughout their tools.

Data Schema Management increases data fidelity and improves collaboration between marketers and technical teams by providing a single source of truth— ultimately reducing technical and operational lift and increasing execution speed.

Identity Toolkit: Anonymous User Tracking & UserMerge API

We also reduced technical lift and accelerated execution by building flexibility in how marketers track and engage with Anonymous users in their apps. Our Anonymous User Tracking (AUT) tools help marketers update the signals identifying valuable anonymous users anytime without needing to redeploy SDKs. Marketers can experiment freely without depending on product roadmaps or development sprints.

As these anonymous users convert into known customers, Iterable saves data about each interaction, enabling marketers with richer, reportable, actionable insights to maximize conversions with a lower level of technical effort. This gives marketers the opportunity to create personalized interactions—at scale.

Iterable’s Ingest Toolkit is a Win-Win

With customer communication platforms, like Iterable, gaining access to rich customer profiles, behavioral events, and more—straight from the warehouse—marketers can create hyper-personalized experiences without relying on engineers. This not only provides marketing teams with the autonomy they’ve longed for, but also frees up technical teams to focus on their own roadmaps and projects. With Iterable’s Ingest Toolkit you can reduce frustration for technical teams while giving marketers access to the data they need.

To learn more about all of Iterable’s data capabilities, visit our site. And, If you’re not yet an Iterable customer or want to explore new features, schedule a demo today.

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